Dukes of Hazzard 8 Inch Series 2 Action Figure Case

Dukes of Hazzard 8 Inch Series 2 Action Figure Case


Bestellnr.: FIGDUKE0820A

Preis: $309.99



Go for another ride with the Duke boys! Case contains 12 individually packaged Dukes of Hazzard 8-inch tall articulated action figures. You can get Daisy Duke, Uncle Jessie, Enos, Cooter, and Cletus! Go for a ride with the Duke boys! This Dukes of Hazzard 8-Inch Series 2 Action Figure Case features some of your favorite characters from the classic Dukes of Hazzard TV series. Each figure measures 8-inches tall, you'll get Daisy Duke, Uncle Jessie, Enos, Cooter, and Cletus - all in awesome articulated action figure form! Ages 8 and up. This case contains 12 individually packaged action figures and includes the following (subject to change): 3x Daisy Duke 3x Uncle Jessie 2x Cletus 2x Cooter 2x Enos

Partnershop: Entertainment Earth



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